Thursday, May 10, 2007

Road Trip '07

Alrighty, I know it appears that I've fallen of the face of the internet but the truth is that I have been on a road trip for the past few days. First Mommy and I drove up to San Carlos which is about 30 minutes south of San Fransisco to Kimi's house. The next day we headed out bright and early for Seattle where we have been at Matt's house for the past three days. Since then we have been seeing Seattle and hanging out with Matt's family. I'll post more about what we actually have done when I have time. For right now you get some pictures.

Tune in again next time. Same bat time, same bat channel.


Anonymous said...

Nice. It looks really pretty up there. Hope you're having a good time!

TOKYO JOSH said...

aaaaa i wanted to go. That would a been fun. I would a been like AAAAAAAA you would a been like WOOOOOOO and then we wouldnt let kimi drive cuz of her head. O well looks fun